Sunday, August 31, 2008


Again it is the time of the year again. And no, its not the shopping spree~

It's ramadhan! The time where you dont have to eat all day, and at night u get to do lots of exercises. Well, thats from the physical view. And from the religious views, the time to get closer to god, to ask for forgiveness, and to realise the importance of well being, life, and other world-ly things. And the most important thing is to realise, that we are not gonna stay in this world for a very long time. So, we should make the best of it while we still can.

I have come to realise that my birthday is less than a month time. Not thinking about presents, i realize that I am getting somewhat old-er. On 27th septermber 2008 Im going to be 22.
22 is a very big number to me. 22 means that Im almost reaching half of my life cycle. On average, men only live till lets say 60-70. Ok, im exaggerating, 22 is not the middle point. But it does feel like reaching half of my life cycle.

Then comes the question. What have i accomplished within this 22 years. And that took me a long time to answer that, and im still thinking about it as we speak. It turns out that I have not accomplished anything! Nothing to be proud of! NOTHING!

Lets say that I have about 40 yrs to live (in case nothing happens). What can I accomplish within that period of time? I know already that I am incapable of accomplishing nothing in those 22 years. Double the time, what can I do? Double NOTHING? sheesh.

Well, It looks that I have to start figuring things to do after this. Since its ramadhan and I dont have to think about food. It'll probably be a good time to accomplish this.

Happy Ramadhan to every muslims. Hope this ramadhan wont be our last. InsyaAllah.


Nand Nasyari said...

aku tagged ko!!!

H-A-N-I said...

haha rhaiz~ half of ur life cycle? kene byk beribadat neh ;)